Deepin continua su evolución y esta trabajando arduamente en la nueva versión de su administrador de archivos. Files 1.8 llegara con  importantes novedades, muchas de ellas pedidas por los usuarios.


  • Agrega la opción para ocultar de su interfaz, La raíz o disco del sistema.
  • Permite la adición, como acceso o marcador, de cualquier carpeta sin importar la unidad de origen.
  • Incorpora la opción de ocultar las extensiones al momento de renombrar ya sea por doble clic o mediante menú.
  • Se incorpora la esperada mejora en la gestión de permisos para archivos y carpetas.
  • Posibilita el renombrado de cualquier unidad o partición visible en el administrador de archivos.
  • Se adiciona la capacidad de indexación para acelerar las búsquedas
  • En adelante ofrecerá en sus ajustes la posibilidad de habilitar o desactivar la indexación de búsquedas.

Todas estas características sumadas a otras ya existentes, como el renombrado masivo, formateo de unidades o la capacidad de montar automáticamente particiones, vienen a aportar productividad y seguridad en la gestión de archivos del sistema.

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6 años atrás

Impresionado, creo que ahora esta a la altura de otros gestores de archivo.

6 años atrás

Eso se ver muy bien, cada día mas enganchada con deepin

Michael Biller
Michael Biller(@michaelbiller)
6 años atrás

I have been using Deepin as my daily driver since version 15.4. It is just great and only gets better. I love how it has the best features of other operating systems and desktop environments. Deepin is a professionally put together distribution.

I own several laptops and many are configured to dual and triple-boot other distros such as Linux Mint Debian Edition 3, KDE Neon and Kali. Only Plasma, Mate, and Cinnamon are comparable to Deepin in terms of polish and usability. With Deepin being almost a greatest hits mashup of the best operating system features, I was wondering if the development team has any plans for extending Deepin File Manager’s capabilities to include the best features of the Dolphin or Nemo File Managers? The tagging support in Deepin File Manager makes file organization so much better and having Nemo/Dolphin capability would push it over the top, I believe. Perhaps a split-screen option and the ability to sort all files system-wide.

Deepin’s small launcher is great but the way the small launcher functioned in Deepin 15.5 was a little better I think. I love the clock and the return of the category view to the small launcher was welcome. Somehow, those features were more efficient in 15.5. With some tweaking and tuning, I think the Deepin’s new small launcher can achieve perfection. Deepin’s developers might look to Mint’s Cinnamon menu for inspiration. Deepin’s small menu could be so much better than its current configuration if it was only slightly Cinnamon menu-like. It could be so much better than the Cinnamon menu, too. It is knocking on the door already. A little tweaking and maybe some customization options and it would there.

Deepin 15x is one of the finest distributions there is. I thank the developers and I thank you for this great site. Forgive me, for being unable to speak Spanish.

Respondiendo a  Michael Biller
6 años atrás
Respondido por: Michael Biller

I have been using Deepin as my daily driver since version 15.4. It is just great and only gets better. I love how it has the best features of other operating systems and desktop environments. Deepin is a professionally put together distribution.

I own several laptops and many are configured to dual and triple-boot other distros such as Linux Mint Debian Edition 3, KDE Neon and Kali. Only Plasma, Mate, and Cinnamon are comparable to Deepin in terms of polish and usability. With Deepin being almost a greatest hits mashup of the best operating system features, I was wondering if the development team has any plans for extending Deepin File Manager’s capabilities to include the best features of the Dolphin or Nemo File Managers? The tagging support in Deepin File Manager makes file organization so much better and having Nemo/Dolphin capability would push it over the top, I believe. Perhaps a split-screen option and the ability to sort all files system-wide.

Deepin’s small launcher is great but the way the small launcher functioned in Deepin 15.5 was a little better I think. I love the clock and the return of the category view to the small launcher was welcome. Somehow, those features were more efficient in 15.5. With some tweaking and tuning, I think the Deepin’s new small launcher can achieve perfection. Deepin’s developers might look to Mint’s Cinnamon menu for inspiration. Deepin’s small menu could be so much better than its current configuration if it was only slightly Cinnamon menu-like. It could be so much better than the Cinnamon menu, too. It is knocking on the door already. A little tweaking and maybe some customization options and it would there.

Deepin 15x is one of the finest distributions there is. I thank the developers and I thank you for this great site. Forgive me, for being unable to speak Spanish.

Hello there @michaelbille thank you for becoming a member of the community and for giving us your insight on why you enjoy Deepin Linux so much. I can relate and I tell you I love Deepin pretty much for the same reasons you have listed. I also like the suggestions you have pointed out and I will make sure to forward these to the development team. However it would be advisable that you also submit them to the team using the «Deepin Feedback Tool» built into the system. That would ensure they hear it from more than one person 🙂 as per the link posted by  Car it looks like some of your ideas might be coming down the pipe as well with version 15.8. I see something there about splitting screens etc.

Greetings and welcome!

5 años atrás

Impresionante. Deepin cada día se perfila como una de las mejores y más potentes distros de Linux.  😀 

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